
Provider under § 5 Tele Media Act (TMG):

Ostseestr. 111
D-10409 Berlin / GERMANY

CEO: Michael Stenzel

Fon: +49 (0) 30 - 2759108 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 2759108 - 69
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Commercial register: county court Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 106410
VAT ID: DE 814827081

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Concept and Design: PNT-SYSTEMS

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General Information

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Links and Banners

In compliance with the teleservices law PNT-SYSTEMS isn't responsible for third party contents. For websites of third parties to which on the PNT-SYSTEMS pages by links is referred generally only the corresponding offerers of the websites are responsible. PNT-SYSTEMS has no bearing on the design and the content of these pages connected by link. Per teleservices law PNT-SYSTEMS is not bound to check permanently third party contents. Further it is impossible for PNT-SYSTEMS to retrace each change on linked pages and correspondingly to adapt the own contents and/ or links. PNT-SYSTEMS explicit distances oneself from any contents of linked third party pages to which only global is referred. Incidentally opinions expressed on third party websites are not inevitably complying with the mind of PNT-SYSTEMS. Accordingly PNT-SYSTEMS is not responsible for third party opinions. The above mentioned principles are valid analogous also for possibly used banners. As far as the PNT-SYSTEMS website or parts of it without consent of PNT-SYSTEMS, especially by links are included into other websites PNT-SYSTEMS doesn't take the responsibility for the linking with third party websites performed by third parties. The same applies to any other integration of the PNT-SYSTEMS website in third party websites.
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PNT-SYSTEMS is entitled to change or to delete all contents of the website without advance notice. The contents of the website are offered by PNT-SYSTEMS free of charge, without engagement and without any legal obligation for the maintenance of operation. Individual offers can be against payment and may have alternative terms of use. To this directly will be referred in the corresponding offers.
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