PNT-HYDRO started

PNT-HYDRO - Smart solutions for hydrologists

PNT-HYDRO gestartetNow you can find all information about the field of hydrometry and environmental measuring technology on our newly launched platform PNT-HYDRO. Visit us still today and benefit from our wide range of modern and innovative solutions and products from different vendors and partners. Read more...

Georeferenced data

Georeferenced data at moving bed conditionsGeoreferenced data in the hydrometry are thanks to the multiple data channels available for DataLog Hydro Wireless, in combination with high-quality GNSS systems of brand manufacturers such as Leica Geosystems and Trimble, a breeze. Read more...

Blue Package

The »All-inclusive-package« for your equipment with price advantage

Customer Care Blue Package - The »All-inclusive-package« for your equipment with price advantageTake it all and benefit from our Blue package: It includes as "all-inclusive package" all benefits of the Basic and Advanced packages combines with a price advantage over the regular prices! Read more...

Advanced Package

Customer Care Advanced PackageDecrease the probability of failure by a regular preventive maintenance of your DataLog Wireless Hydro and increase the availability of your entire system.

With the Advanced Package, you will benefit from an comprehensive regular preventative maintenance and function check your DataLog Wireless Hydro. You will receive upon successful completion of a certificate as proof. You will also benefit from the free return shipping to various discounts on spare parts - and a repair should take some more time - even for our rental equipment pool.

Scopes of services Advanced Package

Technical Maintenance

  • Preventive maintenance and function check every maintenance intervall
    • Incoming components inspection with backup of customer configuration, determining the equipment conditions
    • System check DataLog Wireless Hydro
    • Radio link check
    • connector and cable inspection
    • Inspection of accessories (without main battery)
    • Backup battery replacement (every 2 years)
  • Review and update the system firmware and software applications (only for valid Basic or Blue Package)
  • Shipping costs for go and return delivery
  • Discounts on the current valid pricelist for spare parts
  • Discounts on the current valid hire pricelist for replacement systems
  • Service certificate

For any further questions or to individual offers please contact our sales team.
